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Keeping your Lawn Healthy in the Heat 

As the summer temperatures continue to rise, many lawns are showing signs of drought stress. At Sorensen Outdoor Services, our goal is to ensure your lawn remains in good condition during these challenging conditions.

Understanding How Heat Affects Your Lawn

During the summer months, the intense heat and sunlight can significantly impact your tall fescue lawn. Tall fescue is a cool-season grass, which means it thrives in cooler temperatures typically found in spring and fall. When exposed to prolonged high temperatures, the grass experiences stress and can enter a state of dormancy as a survival mechanism. 

What Happens When My Turf Goes Dormant?

  • Growth Cessation: Tall fescue stops active growth; blades no longer elongate, and new shoots aren't produced.

  • Color Change: The vibrant green turns brown or tan as the grass conserves resources and reduces photosynthesis.

  • Water Conservation: Dormant fescue significantly reduces its water usage by closing the stomata on leaves to minimize water loss.

  • Root Activity: While above-ground growth stops, the roots remain alive but function at a reduced rate to sustain the grass until favorable conditions return.

Adjust Your Watering 

As we move deeper into the summer season, it’s crucial to adjust your watering routine to help your lawn cope with the heat. Aim to provide 1 to 2 inches of water each week, spread across multiple days. Here's a simple schedule to follow:

Summer Watering Schedule:

  • Morning Watering: Water your lawn 3-4 times a week early in the morning before the sun rises. This allows the grass to absorb moisture before the heat of the day sets in and minimizes evaporation.

  • Deep and Even Watering: Ensure that the water penetrates deeply into the soil, encouraging deep root growth. Distribute the water evenly and make sure it reaches all grassy areas. 

  • Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on how your lawn responds. If you notice areas that are still dry, you may need to adjust the duration or frequency of watering. Conversely, if the lawn remains soggy or develops standing water, you may be overwatering.

By following this daily watering schedule and making adjustments based on your lawn's condition, you can ensure your fescue remains healthy throughout the summer. If you need personalized advice or assistance with your watering routine, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We’re here to help you achieve the best results for your lawn! 

Maintaining a pristine yard is not something that is achieved, it's an ongoing effort from everybody involved. Keep watering that grass, and it will be able to thrive through yet another Virginia summer. 

If you have any questions, we are always here to help. Shoot us an email at or give us a call at 540-845-6203.

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