What Is Compost Topdressing?
Compost is decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer and soil amendment
Topdressing is spreading a thin layer of compost over your lawn or flowerbeds to improve the soil structure
Compost topdressing is most frequently completed with a core aeration
This allows for compost to penetrate the soil into the root zone of your turf
Compost contains beneficial microbes that bring your soil to life
These microbes break down break down grass clippings and the thatch layer of your lawn to provide long lasting nutrients
Composting at seeding time provides a seed bed that improves seed germination
What Are the Top 5 Benefits of Compost Topdressing?
Reduces soil compaction
Increases water retention within the soil profile
Adds microbes that encourage a deep green lawn
Allows roots to grow deeper and healthier
Reduces watering needs during the most demanding months of the year
Compost Topdressing FAQs
When can we compost topdress?Spring and fall are the optimal times to compost topdress when the turf is actively growing. Flower beds can be topdressed over the winter when plant material is dormant.
How much compost should be applied?We recommend 1/4" of compost applied in conjunction with aeration services.
What is granular compost?Granular compost is a pelletized compost that introduces organic matter and microbes into the soil without the cost of traditional bulk topdressing.